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5 Popular LASIK Myths

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


LASIK surgery is one of the safest and most effective laser vision correction surgeries. More and more people are becoming inclined to undergo LASIK at Destin because of the numerous benefits that they can reap from it. However, many let common myths and misconceptions about LASIK surgery scare them away from a lifetime of clear vision. It is high time to squash these myths and pave the way toward clear vision through LASIK surgery in Florida.

Myth 1: LASIK is painful.

iLASIK at Wells Vision offers a completely painless, bladeless LASIK experience. Your Wells Vision surgeon will place antiseptic eye drops to numb your eyes. The only discomfort you may feel will be a slight pressure on your eye during the initial stages of the procedure. The iLASIK combines WaveScan technology, an IntraLase femtosecond laser, and an Advanced CustomVue excimer laser to create a more effective and efficient LASIK surgery than ever before. Through these state-of-the-art, modern technologies, the patient is assured of a safer and absolutely painless LASIK procedure.

Myth 2: LASIK is a new procedure, so the side effects are not yet known.

LASIK surgery was introduced during the early 1980s. The first procedure was performed in 1987. LASIK surgery and its technologies have continually improved throughout the years, today allowing us a more effective and reliable laser vision correction procedure. There are no reported long-term effects on patients who have undergone LASIK.

LASIK surgeons in Emerald Coast are proud to use the newest technology LASIK can provide. The iFS Advanced Femtosecond Laser provides exceptional safety. The software design of iFS lets surgeons create a more customized corneal flap, leading to less disruption of the corneal structure, less flap edema, and less inflammation due to a lower energy emitted per pulse. Through these advanced softwares, side effects that were once common are now, essentially, a rarity.

Myth 3: Throw ‘em away - you do not need eyeglasses or contact lenses at all after undergoing LASIK.

Yes and no. Despite having LASIK surgery, tasks such as driving at night would still require the use of eyeglasses for some LASIK patients. This is especially true for older adults, who would most likely still need glasses during reading fine print or sewing. The Abbott VISX S4 with Iris Registration gives a higher level of alignment accuracy during surgery and has multiple features that increases the quality of your LASIK surgery, leading to a more favorable result.

Myth 4: Any doctor can perform LASIK surgery.

LASIK is a delicate procedure and should be handled only by a surgeon who has the skill and expertise in the field of ophthalmology. Dr. Williamson incorporates the highest levels of technology for his LASIK procedure. The iFS laser has proven that it can speed up recovery stages and reduce or even eliminate complications. Only a surgeon who is well-versed in this kind of advanced LASIK technology could perform a flawless surgery, the peak of the latest LASIK solution.

Myth 5: Anyone can undergo LASIK.

Dr. Kevin Wells performs eye exams at Wells Vision Center to determine candidacy for LASIK. There are qualifications for undergoing LASIK surgery, so not everyone who wants to have it can undergo it. The targets of LASIK have broadened, however, due to the advent of iLASIK. iLASIK’s inclusiveness makes the surgery safer for patients who were previously not LASIK candidates.
Advancements in LASIK has restored hope in millions who seek clear vision. Technology has lent us a very helping hand, so if you want to live a hassle-free, clear lifestyle free of glasses and contacts, visit Wells Vision Center today!


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